Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Big Return

Going back to school after Potato Harvest is so much harder than starting the year. All the excitement of the new year is over. I already know what I'm facing and what problems have to be dealt with. But, I have to reteach all the class management stuff. I hate that. Why can the students remember the unimportant things like when free-time is, and signing up for lunch, and what time school ends, but they can't remember to raise their hands or don't talk when someone else is talking? I find that interesting.

It has been a good two weeks and I've been working on psyching myself up to meet "the student." I was already for him. I decided that I can deal with him for seven hours a day. I'll be okay. Then what happened? He had to go and move into my subdivision. I can't let him know I live here. Now I won't be able to go outside until June - when school ends. I hope he hates "'Trick or Treating!"

Wah wah wah!!

1 comment:

  1. It's time to whip out a mask for Halloween.... and to wear outside until June.
