Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Benefits

Sometimes, just every once in a while, there is a small pay off for all the efforts you put in. If you'll remember, last year, I blogged several times about a child that tried my patience, made me want to quit, and exhausted me every single day (he has never missed a day of school). Well, the only thing that I truly was looking forward to this year was watching his 3rd grade teacher tear her hair out and look at me with awe as she wondered how I survived. Well, that isn't happening. Yesterday, while I was on recess duty (and it was a whopping 3 degrees), the student came up to me and said, "Mrs. Grant, I'm not having any trouble this year." I told him that it was because he was such a good student and I knew he could do it. Then he said, "Do you know why I'm so good this year?" I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He smiled backed and said, "It's because you were such a good teacher for me last year." Then he asked if he could stand by me the whole recess. Who could refuse that? The child that I couldn't stand and caused my stomach to churn spent the entire recess chatting with me. It was delightful!!!

That's a benefit of my job.


  1. That is SO AWESOME! And very, very true. You rock!

  2. Are you serious? I was going to tell you the same thing if he didn't. Amazing that he was able to define that and then be motivated to tell you. You are so cool, can you come teach my kids? Please?
